Solar canopy over school lunch area.

Proposition 39 Energy Program – Southern California

Parking lot with solar canopies and archway saying David Starr Jordan High School.
Bird's eye view of Verdugo Hills High School campus next to running track.

Pacifica oversees the development, implementation and closeout for LAUSD’s Proposition 39 Energy Efficiency Program, which includes implementing various energy efficiency measures such as interior/exterior lighting retrofits, HVAC retro-commissioning, electrical upgrades and battery storage system installations at 60 high schools and 52 locally-funded charter schools.

Pacifica staff collaborates with key stake holders from the District’s Maintenance & Operations division to develop a comprehensive phasing plan to perform investment grade energy audits, develop project design documents, implement construction, perform project close-out and provide measurement and verification of the installed energy measures. Our staff closely manages the program schedule and budget, provides regular performance metrics and supervises a team of Owner’s Authorized Representatives and senior level electrical and mechanical technicians.

Additionally, Pacifica works with the District’s Contracts and Legal team to develop and negotiate Professional Service Agreements to perform investment grade audits and design-build contracts with energy service companies. Our team completes and submits the multi-million dollar Expenditure Plan Applications to the CEC for review and approval to release grant funds. We also coordinate with utility companies, including Department of Water and Power and Southern California Edison to identify and capture all applicable incentives and rebates related to the various energy conservation measures.

Los Angeles Unified School District

Year Completed

Services Provided
Program Management

Program Cost
$140 million